Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Improving Arc/Circle/Model Resolution

Created By: Joshua Bryant

     Achieving smooth and consistent arcs/circles is a goal many of us strive to achieve in our prints. As an engineer in the machining world I would simply make sure to utilize G2/G3 movements, but I haven't been able to achieve this in my 3D printing software. I also realize that this wouldn't be feasible using the '.stl' or '.obj' file type because of its faceted structure, which technically would only allow for a calculative arc.

     The method I use for creating smoother arcs/circles is by enhancing the facet resolution. This increases the number of facets generated on the arc feature making the slicer heighten the number of movement points and thus improving the arc’s circularity. This can be done by adjusting the files export settings.

     There are Pro’s and Con’s to increasing the STL file's resolution. Both high & low resolution files have equal value, determining which resolution you require is dependent on your available hardware and applicable needs.

Higher Resolution

Tighter dimension tolerance (improved accuracy)
Smoother surfaces
Increased circularity in arc & circles

Larger file size (takes longer to process)
Increased code generation (requires more memory)
Greater ‘wear-&-tear’ (increased gcode = more line segments = increased stepper motor wear)

Lower Resolution

Smaller file size (quicker to process)
Minimal code generation (requires less memory)
Less ‘wear-&-tear’ (decreased gcode = less line segments = decreased stepper motor wear)

Lower dimension tolerance (decreased accuracy)
Increased surface angularity
Decreased circularity in arc & circles

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